Student Writing Competition

For information on entering the Student Writing Competition, please click here.

2021 Winners


2020 Winners

Michael Feblowitz – First Place
Boston College Law School
One Nil: The Impact and Constitutionality of the Fair Pay to Play Act

Joshua Frieser – Second Place
Marquette University Law School
Fair Pay to Play: Empowering Student-Athletes or a Violation of the Dormant Commerce Clause?

Josh Goldberg – Third Place
Florida International University
The Rooney Rule and the Lack of Minority Coaches in the National Football League


2019 Winners


2018 Winners

Loren Galloway – First Place
Stetson University
How the Courts Fumbled on Sexual Assault– and What the NCAA Can Still Do About It

Mired Asfour – Second Place
University of Pennsylvania
More Than an Athlete: Sport as a Platform for Promoting Social Justice

James McEntee – Third Place
Harvard University
Mediation Before Arbitration

Zachary Tomlin – Fourth Place
University of San Francisco School of Law
Developments in NLRA Policy Provide UFC Athletes New Pathways to Representation


2017 Winners


2016 Winners

Tess Heisserer – First Place
Washington University in St. Louis
You Can Have Your Game But You Can't Advertise It, Too: Fantasy Sports and the Right of Publicity

Joseph Dempewolf – Second Place
Washburn School of Law
Any Given Saturday: The NLRB Fumbles Regarding Student Athletes as Employees

DJ Rowe – Third Place
Duke Law School
It's Time to Retire the NBA's Rookie Salary Scale

Brantley Adams – Runner-Up
University of Mississippi
World Cup 2022: From FIFA to Terrorism


2015 Winners

Justin Bryant - First Place
University of Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame, IN
The Federal Tax Ramifications of Paying Student-Athletes: How O'Bannon v. NCAA May be Costlier than Everyone Envisions

Susan Schwartz - Second Place
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA
Fouled Out: Wells v. Xavier University and the Impact of the Title IX on the Wrongfully Accused

Brandon Knop - Third Place
Northwestern University Law School, Evanston, IL
Alex 'Roid'Riguez: Legal Alternatives for MLB Player Contract Termination in the Post-Steroid Era


2014 Winners

Caren Seenauth - First Place
Western State College of Law - Fullerton, CA
The Constitutionality of Public University Imposed Restrictions on Social Media Usage by NCAA Student Athletes

Tom Mitchell - Second Place
Washington University in St. Louis - St. Louis, MO
"Changed Dramatically": Waldrep Revisited In Response to Northwestern's Unionization Effort

Ashley Arnett - Third Place
UC Davis School of Law - Davis, CA
The Women of the NFL: What Role do Cheerleaders Play in Professional Football?


2013 Winners