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© 2024 Copyright The Sports Lawyers Association

With the exception of material on other servers that is linked to this server, all materials available on this server are copyrighted by the Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) 12100 Sunset Hills Rd, Suite 130, Reston, VA 20190-5202.

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The name of the Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) or SLA logo may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of this information without specific written prior permission. The SLA makes no representations about the suitability of this information for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

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SLA does not extend refunds nor does it transfer payments for individual membership dues. Questions regarding membership, conference and educational seminar payments, including SLA charges to credit cards one wishes to dispute, should be directed to the SLA Business Office.

Meeting Registration
Refund requests made after the announced pre-registration deadline must be received in writing and may be granted on a case-by-case basis, subject to all policies and procedures outlined for pre-registration deadline refunds.

Please contact SLA if you have any questions regarding all refunds and cancellations at (703) 234-4078, or fax (703) 435-4390, or via e-mail: sla@sportslaw.org.

2024 Copyright The Sports Lawyers Association ®
11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550, Reston, VA 20190
Melissa Pomerene, Executive Director: 703-234-4085
Laura Stapleton, Program Specialist: 703-234-4146
Caitlyn Nichols, Program Specialist, 703-234-4087
Andrea Martin, Program Coordinator, 781-876-6207

Fax: 703-234-4147
Email: sla@sportslaw.org

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